Sunday, November 30, 2014


definitely speaks volumes

It's not your everyday movie
It's not a cheesy love story
It's not a typical action movie

It's a connection of events that would be puzzling at first
then it all makes sense in the end

While watching this movie
I realised that
Family is not something that you can just give up easily
you can be cold, be distant
but you can't turn away from family
especially when they need you

The best lesson I learned from Interstellar
is you never know what life will throw at you
It could be a big project that would require all your attention
that you would pay less attention to your family
It could be a certain special someone appearing in your life
when you are not prepared to make a commitment

It is at those times that you take up the challenge
and decide whether to handle it or neglect it

I figured I shouldn't give out the spoiler here
If you wanna know how the story goes, go watch it with your friends or family
You would enjoy it, trust me :)

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